What’s the best Bond gadget? – Walt Hickey

What’s the best Bond gadget?

Welcome to Q-Branch. You’re in charge of equipping a secret agent going on a mission! Better not mess this up: which of these two items do you think would prove more helpful to our double-o in the field and trade at www.borse.pro/recensioni-broker-forex/markets?

Which would you rather equip Bond with?

Battle: : Gadget

Ballpoint pen grenade 

Contains a class four grenade. A 4-second fuse is armed after three clicks in succession. Another three clicks disarms it. (GoldenEye)


Miniature rebreather 

A miniature rebreather which can provide an emergency air supply for approximately four minutes (Thunderball)


Do this as long as you like, but if you get bored please do help us figure out the best Bond villain, the best Bond villain henchman, the best MI-6 employee, the sexiest Bond, Bond’s best act of spycraft, and of course the best BondChest.